Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Oh for the love of Krishna

I watched the Eat Pray Love trailer for the first time today, and didn't know what to do first: throw up or pee myself laughing. Either seemed like an apt choice, given my reaction to the book. Throw in Julia Roberts (don't get me wrong - she really can be quite lovely when she wants to be,) some cheese ball music, and a few overly-idealized shots of impoverished countries, and you've got yourself a film version of what has got to be the most self indulgent book ever published.

The thing that bugs me the most is that (honest to god) the first thing that went through my head when I finished the book was: this bitch is just itching for a movie deal. Of course, she got it. Just like she gets to live everyone else's (ok, my) dream life on the fuel of her own "misery."

I know that this jealous, negative energy will get me no where when it comes to achieving my own dreams, but I think I can at least allow myself an afternoon of wallowing in self pity. I know, I know, I know. How Elizabeth Gilbert-esq.

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