Friday, March 5, 2010

On another note...

The Oscars are this favourite night of the year :)

I'm really not sure how I feel about the idea of ten best picture nominations. It's a lot to take in and some of them are a little questionable. To be honest, I thought it was a rather weak year for movies in general, which makes the ten nominations seem even more strange. Anyway, here's my take on them. (This is in no way a prediction of what I think actually will win, by the way).

1) Avatar - Haven't seen it, and don't really have any intention to. Steve saw it - said he liked it but it didn't blow him away or anything.

2) The Blind Side - Again, haven't seen it, and have absolutely no desire to.

3) District 9 - As those of you who read my review know, I LOVED this movie! I was so happy to see it was nominated. What a cool, original idea!!

4) An Education - One of those films I've been dying to see for a long time. And the crazy thing is, it's actually in Kingston now! All I lack is someone who will go see it with me. (Anyone up for it?)

5) The Hurt Locker - I'm sure it's really well done and all. I just don't like war movies.

6) Inglourious Basterds - Except this one. Tarantino is such a genius! (Oh and for once that's not my spelling's the actual title of the movie).

7) Precious - Haven't seen it - kind of want to, looks interesting.

8) A Serious Man - Another movie I'd love to see, if it were accessible here in Kingston.

9) Up - This should win!  Unfortunately I don't think I ever got a chance to review it here, but Up is far and away the best movie of the year in my opinion. I know it's supposed to be for kids, but it literally had me bawling my eyes out at certain parts. I never thought so much emotion could come from something animated!

10) Up in the Air - A good movie, but probably doesn't deserve to win. George is fantastic, but there just seemed to be something missing in it.

Well, there's my two cents...

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