Monday, October 26, 2009

Chef in Gan

Despite all the much missed blogging time my new job takes up, it does have A LOT of cool perks.  So far I've been given free tickets to plays and movie screenings, on the house community dinners, and have had the pleasure of meeting oodles of talented, interesting people.

My experience today, however, just may have been the coolest so far.  I accompanied two bus loads of Queen's students to a sustainable farm just east of Gan, where celebrity chef Michael Smith hosted a locally grown/produced breakfast and eye-opening information session.  Did you know that the bee population is a serious risk due to the witch's brew of chemicals and medications used by conventional farmers and bee keepers?  Bees are an essential part of the ecosystem, and without them we would lose many of the foods we eat.  It's scary stuff, and really makes you think twice about conventional honey, let alone non-organic foods!

I was a little nervous for my interview with Michael Smith - Steve and I have been fans of his shows Chef at Home and Chef Abroad for a long time now.  He was super nice, though, and it went really well.

Here are some photos of the event.  All of them were taken for the KTW.

Yeah I know this first one is a little shameless (not to mention terrible of me).  What can I say?  I was star struck!!! 

Learning about bees.


Chefs in training.

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