Wednesday, February 24, 2010

One is the loneliest

The thing about blogging is it's best done when one is feeling happy. The problem with feeling happy is that it's currently February. That and I am in the midst of what is to date one of the strangest periods ever experienced in my life. Some of you may know that my dear husband fled to Toronto on a week's notice to pursue a fabulous opportunity with the Federal Government. (Yup, he's French. He's got the golden ticket). 

I know what you're probably thinking, because I've been told it time and time again by well-intentioned friends and family members: "Long distance relationships happen to pretty much everyone at some point. It's perfectly normal. You'll see each other on weekends and everything will be fine."

I know that is true. And to be honest, I'm not even *all that upset* about it. The tears I shed were brought on more by sentiment and self-indulgence than full-out grief. That said, I would never describe how I've been feeling lately as happy. 

More like numb and empty. The daily routines of life are just not the same without Steve. I thought if I put on the albums we always listen to together, and watch movies we've seen time and time again I would feel like he was right there beside me. But that's not how it works. 

Instead, I find myself gravitating toward those things that brought me comfort long before Steve was a part of my life. Jazz music. Poetry. Really old movies. Cereal for dinner. (Yes, eating properly has been another issue.) It just hurts less that way.

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