Friday, January 1, 2010

Ring in the New

Today brings not only a new year, but an entirely new decade.  I can't believe it was ten whole years ago I was a sixteen year old donning those classic Y2K glasses.  (I half-heartedly looked for the picture I know exists but it was not to be found).

This morning I woke up far too early for my own good to a headache brought on by expensive French champagne.  In a couple hours, I'll likely chose to do further damage to my body by mixing up some mimosas - using cheap German sparkling wine - to accompany the french toast I plan on making for brunch.  (Because it's not new year's day without mimosas!)

That's why I've always found the whole resolution thing a bit foolish.  I don't know how many times I've resolved to eat better, drink less, or do yoga/exercise every day, only to throw it all away on the first day.  The bottom line is, I'm constantly trying to accomplish all these things all the time. January 1st is really just another day.  One thing I would like to do, however, is write more - more fiction, specifically.  Last year, I set out to write more in general, and I'd say I was fairly successful with that one.  So lets see how this pans out.  I'd also like to try and blog more than I have been these past few months.  Maybe not every day, but most...

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