I know it's a little late for this, but like I said in my last post I entirely missed the Golden Globes!!! Sadly, I had to experience all the red carpet elegance second hand, by way of gossip columns. From what I can tell, the red carpet kind of resembled a grave-side interment on a rainy day - isn't LA supposed to be sunny and cheerful? Anyway, here's my take on some of the fashion.
1) I love Penelope Cruz, and this dress. She is so beautiful, and has an impeccable sense of fashion and what works for her!!

2) I understand that Marion Cotillard's dress was a little controversial, but I think she is extremely beautiful and totally pulls this off. I'm a huge fan of the colour, and the lingerie touches. That said, one may just need to be French to truly make the look work. (And I mean that in a good way...hell, I wish I was a native Parisian!)
3) Hmmm. I've spent the past month admiring January Jones and the gorgeous dresses she wears on Mad Men. Maybe that's why this dress kind of disappointed me. Or maybe it's just that she's far too young to be wearing something like this. Something about the thick ribbony neckline just screams middle age.
4) I love Mariah for loving her curves. But this dress makes me nervous. Very nervous.
5) Oh Tina, you are a comedic genius. But honestly, what were you thinking?
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