Friday, February 18, 2011

Hello there blog!

Wow, I think this may be the longest length of time I've gone without posting. For so long my poor excuse for being a lazy blogger was my crippling unhappiness with life. Now I am glad to say that it's pretty much the exact opposite. After almost five months, I'm still thrilled to have a job I actually like - not that it isn't stressful at times, but it's a good kind of stress. And I'm actually paid now to write blog-like pieces, which is wonderful.

You can read my latest column here and the one before that here.

As usual, I'm super excited about the Oscars. I've also been obsessed with the idea of a vacation, and have developed an unhealthy fixation with all things that remind me of Paris, Rome or the Caribbean - the top vacation destinations, in my opinion. The parents are currently planning a trip to Rome, and I'm having a ball living vicariously. I'll pretend like the two weeks I spent in Italy make me an expert on all things Italian in order to have the luxury of re-living all the beautiful, life-changing experiences I had there. ("Oh my god mom, you simply CANNOT eat dinner before nine or people will think you're SO un-classy"...that sort of thing).

Valentine's was nice. I got Steve a key chain that says "I love my Russian Blue" with a picture of a cat that looks exactly like Napoleon. I'm pretty sure it's meant for old ladies but he loved it. He got me a gift certificate for a spa, even though we had promised we would not buy each other expensive things.

I wish I could say I've been baking, but I haven't been. Post-holiday winter makes me lazy.

I'm anxiously awaiting spring, and know I probably will be for at least another month. But that's alright, I suppose.

That's about it.

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