Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mmmm-hmmm...That IS Some Tasty Batter

Tonight I baked a ginger cake with hard sauce.  Several weeks ago I volunteered to make dessert for Thanksgiving dinner, so tonight's venture served as a trial run.  I figured if I didn't volunteer far enough in advance I'd never end up making anything, and was probably right.  I was close to chickening out a couple days ago, but decided to persevere and be productive for once in my life.  As usual, I think I ingested more calories while in the process of making the cake than when I actually had a piece after dinner.  I swear it's like a compulsion, in league with not being able to stop buying books and movies whenever I go shopping.  What can I say...things just taste better in batter form.  Nevertheless the cake still tasted good when it emerged from the oven.  All in all I think it was a successful trial run.
Speaking of compulsive purchases, I invested in two new movies last night (well, I'd seen them before, but never owned them):  About Schmidt and Forgetting Sarah Marshall.  I went to the mall to get my phone fixed (for the third time in three months...honestly, why don't they just give me a new phone???).  Upon arriving at the mall I realized I had forgotten the phone, but was too lazy to drive all the way back home to get it then all the way back to the mall.  So I went shopping instead. Steve and I  thoroughly enjoyed both films this evening.  Thank god for people like Jack and Judd Apatow. 

Quote of the evening:

"When life gives you lemons, fuck the lemons and bail."

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