I'm super excited about the new Design Sponge book, which is coming out in September. I love perusing that website, dreaming about someday having a house of my own to decorate. I can imagine that holding and flipping through the actual physical book will only enhance this experience. From the recent website preview, it looks like a lot of pretty wallpaper will be featured, which suits me just fine. My two favourite thing when it comes to decorating are wallpaper and colour - done tastefully, of course.
I'm not sure how my preferences will go down with Steve, though - we will likely have to come to some sort of compromise. Currently we have a cheerful yellow kitchen and a pastel green focal wall in the living room, which he very generously agreed to despite some obvious reservations. Perhaps I can give up ornate floral patterns if he agrees to no leather, or something like that.
Here are some of my favourites...

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