May I be frank for a moment? (Of course I can, it's my blog!)
It's one week from the opening ceremonies of the Olympics, and I'm super excited because this means that soon we won't be subjected to those terrible "own the podium" adds that have bombarded Canadian airways for the past year or so. One of them literally goes on about how "Canadians are thought to be a polite and reserved people - but so-and-so-Olympian is a new breed of Canadian bla bla bla we're so great because now we've become a bunch of arrogant a**holes...". Or something like that.
I for one happen to like the fact that Canadians are known for being polite and reserved. Can't we leave that kind of boisterous nationalism to the Americans, like we've always done in the past? Of course I want our athletes to do well, but it would be so much nicer if we did it on our own terms.
Not to mention the huge financial burden. Boy, am I ever glad I don't live in BC. Give me a functioning health care system over some short-lived Olympic glory any day!
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