Way back in the spring, I saw gym called Omega Fitness Club open up about two minutes from my house. At the time, I was in a phase where I didn't even want to think about gyms; having been a member of one "torture chamber" or another since I was fifteen years old, I got to a point last year around this time where I was sick and tired of feeling obligated to work out 3-4 times a week. I had also discovered yoga, and found it to be a much more rewarding fitness experience. Although my love for yoga has not dwindled, I am in a much different place in my life than I was last year; most of the writing/reporting/editing work I do now can be done on my own time, and I am not by nature the 9-5 type. I am at my best between about 7pm and 1am, and that's usually when I can be found working. Oh god I'm rambling again. Let's just say I don't always have time in the evenings to drive 20+ minutes to yoga, spend an hour and a half there, drive 20+ minutes back, and spend 45 more minutes showering and drying my hair.
That and I'm absolutely terrified of the beach that awaits me in Jamaica in three months time. Nothing tones my lower half like hot yoga - I love how it tones without building bulk - but alas I fear that I will turn into a blob of flab over the holiday season and subsequent winter if I do not find a way to keep active.
Thus I decided to look into Omega Fit Club. I went in yesterday not really knowing what to expect. But - wow! What a beautiful gym - or club, as they prefer you to call it. It's far and away the cleanest "gym" I've ever seen, with top-of-the-line equipment (each machine includes a touch screen TV you can hook your iPod up to), award winning fitness classes (similar to the ones at Goodlife but better, I am told), and some cool-sounding extra services (like an infrared sauna and hydrotherapy).
Omega is the only fitness place in Kingston that offers an exclusive, limited membership. This means that only a certain number of people can join, and they try to stay clear of "unpleasant characters." Hmmm...I have to admit being told this bothered me a little. What if I'm not beautiful enough to be a member here, I thought, what if I'm deemed an "unpleasant character." As it turns out, though, the people they try to discourage are the gross steroid types - by having no free weights above 90 lbs - and the "Playboy bunnies" - not sure what this means, exactly, but I'm pretty sure I'm not one. In a nutshell, I get the idea they're looking for clients who are interested in a healthy lifestyle instead a perfect body. Which I can appreciate. Although having a perfect body would be nice too...
Anyway, I had my first workout there last night, and it was actually quite a pleasant experience. Because they limit membership, the club is never overcrowded, which is a bit of a relief after certain other places I've belonged to. I even tried this new type of machine called "the wave", which was a huge challenge but kind of fun at the same time. I haven't tried any classes or services yet, but I have high hopes - and this post is way too long for anything else anyway!!!
I was promised a lot of great things from this gym but they did not deliver on any of them. Probably one of the most poorly managed gyms in town. The look of the gym is ritzy and thats it. Trust me that wears off quick it's run horribly. A chandelier in the bathroom isn't important to your fitness, a good solid gym is. Please don't waist your hard earned money.
Christina...not nice....this is the best gym in Kingston and is managed very professionally. I know you had the hots for one of the employees and you are bitter...but please don't bastardize a company for revenge on personal and psychological issues.
I agree with the first comment. The place is horribly run and it is because of the owners. The second post is from the owners wife who thinks she knows everything about fitness with her fake boobs.
This place really needs to get a business person to run it. The owners themselves are going to drive it into the ground.
Shame on you Feb 6th 2014 at 2:00 pm, your a local business owner as well and should know better than to do things like this. I am very sorry you do not agree with our policies, but I am unsure why they bother you so much as you are not even a member. My name is Michelle Koiranen, I am proud of our health club, its standards, policies, cleanliness, staff and the members who love it. Please post your name so everyone can see, and help me understand why you are so concerened about damaging my business , and attacking my personal physique.
Ha! Just revealed another person is as happy as I am with your place. Good reveal smart business owner!!
a friend sent me this link to read, this and its the funniest read I have had in ages, lol,. Especially the boob comment hahahahaha
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