I feel like I've been putting far too many exclamation marks at the ends of my entry titles lately. The truth is, this movie's name actually does include the telling punctuation mark, and I feel it would be misrepresenting the film to leave it out.
If I didn't harbour an immense hatred for the word "dramedy", I might use it to describe The Informant!. This is a film about the many layers of white collar crime, a subject that is almost always more plain pathetic than heartbreaking or horrifying. Matt Damon plays Mark Whitacre, the highly intelligent but decidedly insane vice president of lysine development company ADM. Apparently out of the blue, Whitacre decides to rat out ADM's price fixing ways to the FBI. (Or does he? Wait a minute here, what are his real motives?) The movie continues along as such, and despite feeling a bit confused in a couple places, I enjoyed it thoroughly. Damon is excellent in this role, coming off as at once inane, endearing, and neck-wringingly frustrating. Somehow I found myself rooting for him all the way, no matter how difficult his actions were to get behind.
My favourite thing about this movie was probably the zany voice over monologues in which Mark rambles on about everything from polar bears to Mexican food. I actually learned a few interesting little factoids.
The funniest thing of all, however, is that this story is true. I'd love to meet Mark Whitacre and see if he's actually that crazy in real life...
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