I guess time flies when you don't want it to.
A fabulous time was had by all in New York, despite the fact that it rained every single day.
I'm currently way too tired to produce detailed, well thought out paragraphs on the trip. Instead, here are some photos and random thoughts/observations.
- Walking around Manhattan all day in the pouring rain is actually kind of fun. That said, absolutely nothing can be done with my hair under such circumstances. (Observe the photo below; it was just flat-ironed that morning).
- The Met is a lot more impressive than I thought it would be. As is gourmet vegan food and FAO Schwartz.
- "Upstairs at 21" has got to be the most ridiculous place on the planet.
- There are just as many people in Times Square at 1am on a Friday night as there are at 1pm Saturday afternoon.
- For that matter, there are just as many people dining in hip restaurants at 12am as there are at 8pm. (Seriously, we tried it and it was one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life).
- There appears to be an obsession with muffins and other sweet bread-like edibles in NY restaurants. I think they might be the new complimentary regular bread.
- The current Broadway production of Exit the King, however, is excellent. It's a tad on the morbid side, but eerily of the moment. Geoffrey Rush, Susan Surrandon, and the rest of the cast are all fantastic.
- Feeling small and insignificant can be extremely liberating.
- I will try my hardest to never again return home from a trip after midnight when I have to work the very next day.
- On that note, I'm off to bed.
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