People always think I'm joking or exaggerating when I say that Oscar night is my favourite night of the year. I'm not, though, I swear. I wanted to write this post Sunday night after the show, but soon realized keeping my eyes open long enough for the best picture announcement was not going to be an easy feat. It's not that I was bored (of COURSE not!). It's just that my body is finally getting used to the concept of getting up at 7am every morning - which I think is a positive development. Here are my opinions on the evening, with pictures!!! (By the way, I took these pictures from the NYT. I think this might be illegal. Or maybe not, since I'm not making a profit from them. Anyway, please don't sue me!).
1) Hugh Jackman: When I first heard Hugh Jackman was hosting the Oscars, I was like, WTF??!! Isn't that Wolverine/the sexiest man alive? I thought it was written in stone somewhere that the ceremony had to be hosted by a some sort of comedian. I must say, though, that I thought he did quite well as host. I especially enjoyed the opening number featuring tribudies (you know, tribute + parody) of nominated films.

2. Slumdog Millionaire: This is a beautiful film, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy watching it. But did it really deserve to win best picture? I can think of at least seven or eight better 2008 movies. The story is a little cheeseball in my opinion.

3. Acting Award Presentations: Don't hate me, but I liked the new format. In particular, Robert DeNiro's heart-felt tribute to Sean Penn was quite moving. I also liked how they finally clued into the fact that people care more about acting than directing, and announced best director before lead actor and actress.

4. Sean Penn: I was so happy when Sean Penn won for
Milk. If you haven't seen the movie, I suggest you do so as soon as possible. Josh Brolin and James Franco are also fantastic in the film.

5. Kate Winslet: I haven't seen
The Reader, but was happy to see Kate finally win a long-deserved oscar. That's saying a lot, too, considering how much I wanted Anne Hatheway to win. I just really, really like her. I like to think we could be friends (if we ever met, which is unlikely, I know...sigh...).

6. Finally, a note on fashion: What was with all the white and off white? The red carpet this year reminded me of the walls in my parents' house. Not that I have a problem with any of these dresses, really (well, except for Jessica Biel's and possibly Mylie Cyrus').

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