Friday, September 19, 2008

The Reality Is...

I used to blog about my real life.  Then I realized I don't really have one - a real life, that is.  This led to a fatal lack of issues and events to write about, and the consequent abolition of my blog.  I suppose I could come home after work and blog about how much I hate getting up in the morning.  No matter how many times I hit the snooze, it never gets easier.  All it means is that I have to drag my grumbling, protesting self out of bed 20 minutes later than I would have to if my sleep-impaired hand were not compulsively drawn toward that devilish little button.  But then I would get into how this is like a metaphor for my life (i.e. the reason I still don't have a job in which I use my education in any capacity and/or that gives me any sort of benefits let alone joy is because I'm hitting the snooze button of life, not wanting to discover my true potential because I'd rather go my whole life believing I would have been capable of achieving my dreams "if I had only tried" than try and realize I'm actually an incompetent fool...etc).  Dwelling on things like that gives everyone (not to mention me) the false impression that I am in a perpetual state of melancholy.  This is very unfortunate, and I want to do all I can to discourage such opinions.

The reality is there is no reality.  I find I am better able to get through my days if I focus on imaginary things - or at least things that are so far removed from my life they seem imaginary.  Therefore this will be a blog about the topics that really do occupy my mind on a daily basis - films, books, baking, music, sports, politics, etc.  Those who know me know my dream job is to write a column for for a magazine or newspaper.  So I figure if no one is willing to give me that kind job in the real world, I'll give one to myself.  Perhaps I'll add the odd little reflection on my so-called "real life" if I find it to be sufficiently relevant or cheerful.  But for now this is what works for me.  So here goes.  

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