My departure from Toronto this weekend was planned long before I considered what the G20 summit would likely bring to the city, but it seems as though it all worked out for the best anyway. What a shame that the voices of so many peaceful protesters drawing attention to perfectly legitimate causes often become so overshadowed by the antics of a few idiots.
Several celebrations were had this weekend in Kingston, including a belated Father's Day dinner for my dad - the greatest man in the world! (Along with my dear husband, of course!). Unfortunately I managed to forget my camera, and could not take a picture of the beautiful meringue that topped our celebratory pie. It's the first meringue that has ever turned out well for me, so it was truly a momentous occasion.
On weekends such as this, where I return to my favourite place in the world and have the pleasure of seeing so many people I love, I am reminded of what I am thankful for in my life - which brings me to a little confession I'd to make: So often anymore I am guilty of seeing the past three years of my life as a complete waste of time - a series of bad choices, so to speak. I become so depressed and wrapped up in the negative that I turn into a bitter, self-centred wife; a whiny, weepy daughter; and an inattentive - if not entirely absent - friend. For that I apologize. Several things have happened lately that have forced me to mature a little. (For really, how are we ever to mature if not by force?)
In light of all this, I have decided that each night before I go to sleep I will mentally acknowledge all the things I'm thankful for. If I were a religious person, I guess this would be called a prayer. For me, I think it will be a key step on my way to becoming a content, well-adjusted human being. I know you're not supposed to talk about this kind of thing on blogs, which are generally much more happy and upbeat. Thus I will leave you with five little things I am grateful for right now:
1) My sweet husband, who is currently out fixing our car. (Yes, you read that right. Steve is fixing the car. Oh how I love him!)
2) The loyal golden retriever at my feet.
3) The mourning dove calling from the tree outside, reminding me, for some reason, of the cottage.
4) The fact that The Body Shop brought back their Oceanus scent.
5) The fact that, despite seemingly overwhelming evidence to the contrary, I do have choices, and consequently the power to turn my life around.
Photo from Design Crush.